
Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam with Pectin

This Homemade Strawberry Jam with pectin recipe is a delicious homemade strawberry jam. It has all of the sweetness, bright strawberry flavor, and texture that I love in a good jam. Plus, this recipe is made for water bath canning (or freezing). So make a batch now and enjoy summery strawberry goodness all year long.  (And if you love to make your own jam, also check out my recipe for Blueberry Lemon Jam.)

Jars of Homemade Strawberry Jam with Pectin

Strawberry jam is one of the first canning projects I usually tackle when canning season begins to roll around. It really starts to feel like summer is on the way when those first sweet strawberries appear. (And while you can pick up strawberries at the market, it’s a fun activity to go strawberry picking for your own berries!) And after eating my fair share of these fresh strawberries, I make sure to make a few batches of jam. I like to have a good supply to always have a fresh jar to pop open throughout the year. And in our house, we love the flavor and texture of a classic strawberry jam.

Why use added pectin in this recipe?

Now I know some folks have strong feelings about not using pectin in their jams, and I get it. We should all do things the way we like to. And don’t get me wrong, I never met a strawberry jam I didn’t like, pectin or not. But for me, I like to use pectin in certain jams, including in this version of my homemade strawberry jam.

Strawberries are naturally low in pectin, so a batch without pectin requires a longer cooking time to reach a gel stage than a strawberry jam made with added pectin. And while still delicious, long-cooked jams have a different flavor than the bright fruit flavor of a jam that is cooked quickly. The added pectin reduces cooking time by about 75% and so preserves the fresh strawberry flavor and also color. In addition, since much of the juice is cooked off during the cooking of a long cook jam, using added pectin increases the yield and results in more jars of finished jam. And I don’t know about you, but when I make jam, more is better.  But if you would like to make your jam without adding pectin, check out these instructions by the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Is this a low-sugar jam recipe?

I would say this is a moderate-sugar jam. Many jam recipes often call for as much sugar cup-for-cup as fruit (and sometimes even more). In our family, we like a sweet jam, but not one that is so sweet that it overpowers the fruit flavor. So in this recipe, I use about half the amount of sugar by volume as fruit.

But taste preferences aside, there is another reason to consider using a bit of sugar in your jam recipes. Sugar acts as a preservative and helps prolong the shelf life of the jam, helping to retain its quality during storage. And after opening your jar of jam and popping it in the fridge, the sugar helps the jam stay good longer here, too, by slowing down mold formation. This article by Simply Canning sums up the preservative role of sugar in jams and jellies nicely.

But I know that some people avoid sugar for health reasons or other personal reasons. So if you are looking for canning jams with low or no sugar, I will refer you to the Penn State Extension article on canning with less sugar.

Ingredients for Strawberry Jam with Pectin:

There are only a few simple ingredients for making this Strawberry Jam with Pectin

Ripe Strawberries – Use fresh strawberries without mold or rotten spots. If there are small blemishes, you can remove those with a paring knife. If it’s wintertime when you are making jam, I’ve also successfully used frozen strawberries. For this recipe, you will need 4 pounds of strawberries.

Pectin – I use powdered pectin that is made for less-sugar or no-sugar recipes. I like the Sure Jell, Ball, and Mrs. Wages pectins.

Sugar – Use any type of granulated sugar that you prefer. I like to use raw cane sugar in my jam. I would avoid brown sugar as it will give the jam a dark appearance.

Optional Fresh lemon juice or bottled lemon juice. I don’t use lemon juice in my strawberry jam because it’s unnecessary for safety. Strawberries are already acidic and don’t require added acid. But if you like the lemony flavor, you can add a tablespoon or two of fresh or bottled lemon juice.

Jar of Homemade Strawberry Jam

Tips for Making Homemade Strawberry Jam with Pectin:

Use good quality fruit and give it a good mashing. Use good-quality strawberries to make your jam. You don’t want to use fruit that is too overripe, underripe, mushy, or moldy. Cut off any bruised or blemished spots. The best quality fruit makes the best quality jam.

And you’ll want to make sure you mash it up well, too. I like to use my potato masher to crush the strawberries. I don’t recommend using a food processor because it introduces too much air into the crushed strawberries and can sometimes cause the jam to have a lot of air bubbles. Crush them finely for a smoother jam or crush them coarsely for a chunky jam.

Bring it to a boil. When cooking the jam, be sure to bring it to a full rolling boil. A gentle simmer won’t be enough to thicken the jam.

Keep down the foam. Of all of the jams I make, strawberry jam likes to foam up the most while cooking. You can minimize this by adding a small pat of butter to the jam while it’s cooking. You can also skim the foam off. Of course, the foam is not harmful, so you don’t need to worry about a small amount of foam in your jam. Try to avoid a large amount of foam, however, as might cause problems down the road with the longevity of your jam in storage.

For me, I typically skip the butter. To remove most of the foam, I remove the finished pan of jam from the heat and allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Then I skim the foam from the top of the jam and proceed to ladle it into hot jars. If I have enough foam left over, I put it into a jar and pop it into the fridge to use with toast or waffles.

Boiling Water Bath can or freeze your jam. You will need to preserve your jam. Your options are to freeze your jam or use the boiling water bath canning method. You can freeze this jam in freezer-safe containers for up to 12 months. This recipe makes a very good strawberry freezer jam. I like to use BPA-free plastic pint containers for this like these containers (affiliate link).

The other option is to water bath can your jam. This canning method is very easy and there is nothing to worry about when using safe, approved canning methods. This tutorial by Ball gives great instructions for getting started. And I highly recommend this book by the USDA. It gives good, solid information for both beginners and experienced home canners.

Store any extras in the fridge. When making jam, you’ll often find that you don’t have quite enough towards the end of the batch to fill a whole jar. If this happens to you, simply ladle the extra into a jar, store it in the refrigerator, and eat it up before opening a jar (though I guarantee it won’t be around for long!)

Keep it safe. Boiling-hot jam is like molten lava. Because of the added sugar, jam boils at a temperature higher than water and sticks to everything (including skin and clothing). So please be careful while making jam and be sure not to splatter yourself or get the hot jam onto your skin. Keep kids and pets away from the kitchen, and keep your kitchen free of distractions.

Label your jars. It’s so tempting to believe that you’ll recognize the contents of the jar and skip the labeling part. I’ve been there and done that, and trust me when I say that it’s not a good idea. Unless strawberry jam is the only homemade jam you have in your pantry, you will likely run into a problem sorting out which jar is which when it comes time to pull one off the shelf. So save yourself the trouble and go ahead and label those jars (and include the date, too!)

Homemade Strawberry Jam on Cornbread

If you try this recipe for Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam, I hope you love it. And follow me on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram so you don’t miss a post.

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{Please note. I slightly updated this recipe on May 25th, 2024. The original recipe called for added water, which I removed in this update to make it more foolproof and ensure a better gel.}

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Jars of Homemade Strawberry Jam with Pecin

Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam (with Pectin)

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4.9 from 15 reviews

  • Author: My Homemade Roots
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: Approximately 8 half-pints 1x


A delicious Homemade Strawberry Jam made with pectin and bursting with strawberry flavor.


Units Scale
  • 4 pounds of whole strawberries
  • 1 (1.75-ounce) package of low or no-sugar-needed powdered pectin
  • 4 cups of granulated sugar, divided
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (this is optional and is only for flavor)


  1. Wash and hull the berries. Add them to a large bowl and crush them with a potato masher. Stir pectin and 1/4 cup of sugar into the berries.
  2. Pour the crushed berries into a large, deep-sided saucepan or Dutch oven, and heat over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Bring the jam mixture to a boil, then add the remaining sugar. Stir continuously and boil hard for 1 minute.
  3. Remove jam from the heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Skim off any foam.
  4. If you are canning the jam, ladle jam into hot, clean half-pint jars, allowing 1/4-inch headspace. De-bubble and wipe the rims clean. Place lids and bands on each jar and adjust to fingertip-tight. Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes, adjusting for altitude. (See note below for a link to a full canning tutorial.)
  5. For freezing, allow the jam to cool for another 10 minutes, then ladle it into freezer-safe containers, leaving an inch or so for expansion. Freeze for up to 12 months (but I find the quality is best by 6 months.)


If you are planning to can this recipe and are new to canning, you will need to learn the proper, safe procedure for water bath canning (don’t worry – it’s easy!) Ball Canning has a great tutorial here: Water Bath Canning

I’ve noticed in the comments that some readers have had issues with the jam setting too loosely. Please note, that you MUST use a low-sugar or no-sugar-needed pectin to ensure that your jam sets properly with this recipe. Use a pectin like Sure-Jell, Ball, or Mrs. Wages, not a 2-part pectin like Pomona’s Universal Pectin.

To adjust the canning time for altitude, see this chart by Ball Canning:

This recipe is adapted from the Low or no sugar needed Sugar Strawberry Jam Recipe on page 55 of The Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving 37th edition.

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes

the best classic strawberry jam with pectin


  • […] How should I prepare strawberries? Wash, sort, and crush them after removing stems and caps. Using fresh strawberries enhances the flavor of your jam. […]

  • blank
    September 21, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Hi! I’m trying out your recipe but i ended up buying powdered pectin that comes in a jar and not in the individual 1.75oz packets. Any suggestion for what that would be in tsps or TBsps? I’m finding conflicting information online.

  • blank
    Sarah Giddings
    September 5, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    I made your recipe. When I took them out of the canner it looks like it has been separated. Red liquid on bottom and foam and strawberries on top. Also, how long does it take to set? Thank you!

    • blank
      Melissa Lynn
      September 5, 2024 at 7:31 pm

      Fruit float is common, especially with strawberry jam. It’s not a big deal and doesn’t affect the safety or quality of the jam. To fix it, simply stir the jam when you open a jar and it will stay mixed up. As for how long it takes to set, typically it will set within a few hours. I have occasionally had it take up to a week to set, and on rare occasion, it doesn’t set at all. If that happens, I usually just call it syrup and use it on ice cream, pancakes, etc. I’ve included a link for more information. Hope this helps! How to Keep Strawberry Jam from Separating

  • blank
    July 28, 2024 at 2:11 am

    Great recipe! Made it with a mix of berries and canned it with my mom. It was perfect and delicious! It really didn’t last long and we’ll be making it again!

  • blank
    July 9, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Hi have you ever used NH pectin inside this recipe?

    • blank
      July 20, 2024 at 6:53 am

      No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.

  • blank
    June 23, 2024 at 1:17 am

    Thank you so much for this recipe. I searched and stressed about making this with frozen strawberries, and whether I needed to use pecton or just freeze it. In the end I chose your recipe. Using the frozen strawberries worked perfectly. I thawed them first, and then smashed them. From there it was extremely easy. I can a lot of things so the water bath part was a breeze. I’ll never use another recipe. Very grateful for you and this recipe.

    • blank
      June 23, 2024 at 6:17 pm

      I’m so happy to hear the jam turned out well!

  • blank
    June 8, 2024 at 1:12 pm

    I tried this last year. It was my first time ever making strawberry jam. It came out delicious! Everyone loved it and I can’t wait to make a bigger batch this year. Thank you for sharing this recipe!!

  • blank
    May 24, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    Followed this to a T and mine did not thicken up like jam. It’s more like a sauce

    • blank
      May 25, 2024 at 3:31 am

      I’m sorry this happened. Sometimes it does happen when making jam. But often if you just allowed the jars to sit for a week or two, the jam will firm up. Hope this helps.

  • blank
    May 19, 2024 at 11:50 am

    Is there a reason that this recipe calls for so much water? If the strawberries have a lot of water content, should this amount be decreased? I don’t want the jam to not set because of adding too much water. The low sugar pectin box doesn’t say anything about using water. Thank for your expertise and advice.

    • blank
      May 19, 2024 at 2:32 pm

      Hi Julie. This recipe is adapted from the 37th edition of the Ball Blue Book of Preserving in which the recipe does call for 1 cup of water. Also, I often find that store-bought strawberries are often dry and not very juicy when crushed and the extra water helps the to prevent them from scorching as they come to a boil. The added water will cook off as the jam cooks. However, I think you can probably leave out the water or reduce it, if you prefer.

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